Natural Sunflower Seeds 100g
Sunflower Seeds 100g, by Bakalland – The perfect crunchy addition to baked goods, salads and pasta!
The sunflower is an annual plant that was first cultivated by South American Indians. The Spaniards brought this picturesque flower to Europe. Today, there are more than 70 different varieties of sunflower, some of which are purely ornamental. The edible fruit is the seed in a woody shell, which varies in colour from black to grey depending on the type.
The sunflower seed contains a wealth of valuable vitamins and minerals. The sunflower is a rich source of B vitamins and vitamin E, which helps the functioning of the nervous system. It is also a treasure trove of minerals – including valuable magnesium and calcium. Sunflower seeds can be eaten on their own as a valuable snack. However, they can also be roasted, seasoned and used as a crunchy, valuable addition to a salad or dressing. Sunflower seeds go well with both sweet, breakfast and dinner dishes. Sunflower seeds also make an attractive addition to bread cakes and a valuable and aromatic enrichment for bread.